Tuesday, June 12, 2007

questions 4

I've been receiving a lot of questions about host families and what to get them. I just sent out a superhuge excel spreadsheet of family names and contact info, but unfortunately, we do not have the details of your living arrangements - I.E. brothers and sisters or their ages. Because we don't have super specific information, your gifts should be more generalized, but that doesn't mean they can't be good.

Ideally, a gift for your host family shares a little bit of your culture or who you are. Bring something that means something. Last year, I brought my host family some bamboo candlesticks from the Philippines because I'm Filipino. Yeah, they dug 'em. I also brought a bunch of family and friends pictures to share to pass the time with my host brother and sister (I didn't give them as gifts - we just sat around looking at them together and laughing about them). Your family will have a strong interest in you and what you like. Be creative.

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