Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Lets Keep in Touch

Hey guys -

This may come as a bit of a shock but... someday, I won´t be your program director anymore. Its tragic, I know, but all that means is that one of you will take my place. Its an amazing position that requires a lot of work over the course of the year - reading application after application, holding interviews, communicating with Country Coordinators, matching volunteers with villages - but it´s all so worthwhile. In order to make it easy on you, lets keep a little paper trail of villages thta wasnt available to me this year. Send me a little blurb about your village - its name, how many students, what theyre like, what your host family is like, etc. Ill post it on the blog and we can all keep track of each other.

BTW Although Budapest will always be my favorite, Spain is an amazing place. Im sure well all have stories to share when we see each other.

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