Dear Volunteer,
Learning Enterprises operates solely on the generous support of donations and grants. We don't require you, the volunteers, to pay program fees. We don't receive funds from the villages where we teach. The host families who welcome LE volunteers do so without any financial compensation.
Each year, LE's mission is fueled by the dedication of its staff and the donations of its generous sponsors. As an incentive, we have the Village Sponsorship Project (VSP), where donors get information about the programs they are helping operate. Through these fundraising projects, over 200 people donated to LE this year, and we need your help to follow through with VSP.
Each volunteer will be required to complete three tasks:
Emailing 5 photos
Mailing 1 postcard
Mailing 3 letters (2 from students & 1 from a class)
Please print out the following pages and bring it with you to remind you what you have to do! Your PD will discuss it with you again at orientation. Please try to send all four things by the end of July so we can get them to donors before the summer’s end. Feel free to be creative!
Thank you for your help and making this summer a success!
Docendo discimus~
Teach, that you may learn
Email 5 photos to with the subject:
Some Ideas:
You with your class
You doing something with your host family
Your village
The students
Please send the a post card, a class thank you notes, and student thank you notes (described below) in a packet to:
Maureen Russo Chant
1325 18th Street, NW
Apt. # 1008
Washington, DC 20036
Send a postcards describing your experience and thanking the donor.
Dear Sponsor,
I write you from
Thank you so much for making this possible. Both the students and I are very grateful.
Have two of your classes design and write a thank you letter. Write the letter on the board and have one student with good handwriting copy it to paper. Have all the students sign it. Make it pretty! One idea is to have each one draw something and write the English word for it on the cover. This is a great lesson plan!
Dear Sponsor,
We are from
Have individual students write a thank you notes we only require two, but if you end up with extras feel free to send them along anyways!
Dear Sponsor,
My name is
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